Celebrate Read Across America at HSES

What is your favorite Dr. Seuss book?  That is the question for the staff and students.  On March 2, millions of educators across the country celebrate the National Education Association’s annual “Read Across America”.  This annual event commemorates the birthday of Theodor Seuss Geisel, otherwise known as Dr. Seuss.  Here at Hollifield Station, students will have a chance to dress as their favorite Dr. Seuss book character on Wednesday, March 2. Staff and students are decorating classroom doors using a Dr. Seuss theme.

            Your child could participate in the Read Across Maryland 30/30 Reading Challenge.  Copy and paste the website into your browser readacrossmaryland.org to find out more information about this challenge and to download a reading log for the month of March.           

If you have any questions about reading at home, please contact Jenn de Palma or Kelly Broccolino, Reading Specialists,  or Tammy Sczepanski, Media Specialist at 410-313-2550.  Happy reading!

