Completed forms should be submitted to an administrator in person, by mail or electronically by e-mail. The administrator will investigate within 2 school days of receiving the form and implement corrective actions as outlined on the BHI Incident School Investigation Form and the Student Code of Conduct.
We have many students who live in the non-transportation area. These students either walk to school or are transported to and from school by car. It is important to follow these procedures. We are committed to make sure arrivals and dismissals are safe, quick, and efficient. We can only do this with the cooperation and patience of everyone. Thank you!
Should an emergency or disaster situation ever arise in our area while school is in session, we want you to be aware that the schools have made preparations to respond effectively to such situations.
Each database features expertly-leveled text and navigation specifically designed for your beginning researchers. Enriched with spoken-word audio, text highlighting and audio/video media, PebbleGo builds a foundation of research skills for every learner. See media specialist for login.
NoodleTools gives students a systematic but flexible framework for navigating the tangled web of research. Students develop expert critical-thinking skills, gain confidence, and replace patchwriting and plagiarism with synthesis.
Access to thousands of Maps, Animations, Videos, Games, Lesson Plans & Activities, topical articles & analysis. Print, project or download content for History, Geography, Earth Sciences, Spanish Language & more
The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) is a consortium of states developing assessments to measure student achievement in English Language Arts (ELA)/ Literacy and Mathematics for grades 3-8 and high school.
First In Math helps students acquire, reinforce and retain essential math skills—and develops their critical thinking, problem solving, and communication abilities.
HCPSS promotes the mental health and wellness of each of our students to develop their unique strengths, abilities, and characteristics towards success and well-being.
HCPSS is committed to creating a welcoming and supportive environment and fostering strong bonds between schools, military service members and community organizations to support military-connected children and enhance the success of all students.