Summer Reading Information

Summer is an important time for students to keep reading and improve their language skills.  Here are some ways to keep your child "hooked on books".

  • Our local Miller Branch of the Howard County Library is the “shining star” of the library system. Plan to take a family field trip there to discover their vast resources.   While there take time to register your child(ren) for the summer reading club, On Your Mark, Get Set, READ!  You can also register at any Howard County Library Branch.  (Note: The Central Branch and the Elkridge Branch of the Library are closed for renovation this summer.)  For more details visit (Links to an external site.)
  • The Howard County Library System is also sponsoring a bookmark contest through July 16th.  Have your child show his/her love of reading and books by entering the contest.  More details and the entry form is available at any library branch or at (Links to an external site.)
  • Each summer, Barnes & Noble bookstores give young readers the opportunity to earn a FREE book by reading three books and completing a journal about the books they’ve read. It’s a great way to encourage kids to make reading a priority during the summer months.  Download a journal at (Links to an external site.)
  • Our FREE e-Tools like TumbleBooks and PebbleGo are available over the summer as well on our library media webpage - (Links to an external site.). Students in grades 3-5 can find the passwords for these resources on page 10 of their agenda books. Earlier in the year (during our “snowcation” in January) paper copies were sent home with all students. If you would like another copy, send a message to
  • Finally, a recommended book list for summer reading is coming home in Monday Folders. The lists are developed by Howard County Public School Library Media Specialists and Howard County Library Children's Instruction and Research Staff. The titles included are just a sampling of the books your child may enjoy reading during the summer.  Many of the authors on the list have written more than one book. Check out some of those titles, too! Online versions of the book lists may be found at (Links to an external site.)

Wishing you and your family a wonderful summer!

Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Sczepanski, and Mrs. Tarka